Monday, November 23, 2015

He's such a Zone Leader!

So earlier in the transfer we promised the zone they could throw pies in our face if they reached a goal. Well we ended up cancelling the challenge but they told us they didn't forget so I got pie in my face anyway haha! 

Hello everyone! Another week come and gone! I'm staying in Maricopa at least until the 18th of December! I guess they may be having a transfer early because salt lake would like all those missionaries that would be going home after Christmas before New Years, to go home on the 18th so they can be with their families and not have to fly during then! So probably won't be moved around then but you never know! 

Tell Emily thanks for the email! Glad everything is going well with school and now nice to have some breaks for thanksgiving and then Christmas! Not sure exactly what our policy for thanksgiving is but we were told we could have up to two dinners haha. I think one of the ladies in our Ward messages mom about food and things like that! Their a lot of fun, so it should be a good thanksgiving! 

And a new cat! Wow that's exciting! I'm good with whatever name haha! And maybe this one will like me, you never know! Well we all know he or she will because every at loves me, especially out here, especially when I'm wearing dark pants and then soon covered in fur. 

To be honest i don't even know what I plan on wearing when I get home haha. My style is white shirts and ties, so maybe I will just continue that.... Haha jk.  Whatever I wear I will make it look good! Haha But I now I'm just really enjoying wearing mission clothes all the time!

This week was pretty good! Had some interruptions with transfers and things but overall it was good! 

Monday: we had that surpise MLC and we had to be there by 8 and we live out of the valley so that was an early morning.  When Mutti and grandpa emailed saying they were coming by Monday I figured I might run into them but our meeting went way after the time they were probably there. But I did go into the office and talk to the office staff and they mentioned how they told Mutti and Grandpa I was just over in the Del Rio building right across the street! I got my package and to reassure Mutti I haven't opened my Christmas present yet haha! And I'm never met the girl Mutti was asking about that went to ASU.  After that it took pretty much our whole pday by the time we got home, shopped emailed, and things it was close to 6. The meeting was so good! Like I said it had Elder Nielson and a bunch of the main missionary department guys! They are hilarious but also just blow your mind with trainings! In the evening we had an FHE with the family of the boy who got baptized! We used play doe and built kindof like the tree of life and talked about enduring to the end. They have young kids so it worked out pretty well!

Tuesday: was new missionary meeting and what we decided was instead of just training we had all the Spanish missionaries train us on how to contact someone in Spanish because it's a lot harder for an English missionary to get a referral for a Spanish missionary than the other way around. So let's just say I'm glad I'm English speaking because I am brutal at speaking Spanish and remembering it. So the gift of tongues when it comes to Spanish is not something I have been blessed with right now haha. After we had district meeting the last one of the transfer! It went pretty well! The one I was in was a lot of fun and you can always take things out of them and apply it better to missionary work! In the afternoon we had lunch with this Vietnamese lady who I have mentioned is a bible scholar and we have been doing service for. She fed us "Pho" pronounced like "Fha."  It was so good! Just like a soup noodles lunch. It's funny how on my mission I have been willing to pretty much eat everything because I really have yet to be fed something I didn't like. Haha after that we had a super good lesson with a lady I tracted into! Tracting has brought some real success lately which is nice!

Wednesday: we ate lunch with a less active which was really good! We took this young man to both of them because we needed a third male and we were just joking how we are just treating him to lunch all the time! In the afternoon we had another long debate with the bible scholar lady and I'm about done teaching her. She is so nice and we have done a pretty good job of answering her questions Etc. but she is set in her ways. After that we did service for the food bank prepping them for their toy drive! That was a lot of fun to help out there! In the evening we had a super exciting lesson that fell through but we were able to message them on Facebook what we were going to teach and they loved it! So booom! Technology allowing us to have lessons even when we can't go over! We did visit a nice part member family and hopefully we can get the husband interested! 

Thursday: was transfers! What was amazing is that our whole zone stayed exactly the same. Nobody left! That is like unheard of! All we did was get a new trainee because one missionary finished his mission and then the sisters got put in a trio. Other than that, stayed the same! So then at transfer we got trained by the mission department people again and they are awesome! They talked a lot about planning and it changed the whole perspective on planning.  So I guess since they announced it in the Mtc I can tell. So the thing I haven't been able to talk about is they have been filming some training videos in our mission. They chose 8 missionaries and have been filming them on how to use technology and online proselyting.  I haven't been directly in any filming but I'm sure I'm in the background somewhere in the filming. Ethan knows the training videos you can watch so he knows what I'm talking about. Not officially allowed to say what the title is called but I think he can put it together! After we went with our housing coordinators and moved beds and supplies to the zone. They always buy us Polar pop (cheap soda drinks) which is nice haha (basically the best gas station to ever exist is Circle K. They are everywhere haha

Friday: we had planning. Planning after transfers is always insane because of all the moving around and confirmation of information. So planning always gets interrupted. Plus people just come up and ask you questions and your like whuuuut? Haha it's all good I love it though! After that we visited a few people and were on bikes because the weather is just incredible! In the evening we had an awesome member out with us and made a few visits but not much success on people answering. We are at the point where we have to try and get these investigators to meet with us more than once or twice a week! It needs to be like everyday! Technology helps with that a lot to! 

Saturday: we met with the sisters for zone meeting and prepared the training for that. After had a lesson with a recent convert who is just lonely. So we know it's good to go over there and just let him talk haha and he can talk! After that not exactly sure what happened! They just kindof blend together sometimes! We did visit a really good potential that we were afraid we were pushing to much but it went really well and going back Tuesday! So that alone made it a good day!

Sunday: we had church. We got asked to teach elders quorum about an hour before it started! Church was good wish we could get some investigators there but soon though! Soon!  We taught elders quorum and it went really well! It was on temporal and spiritual preparedness so a lot of food storage, and getting out of debt! Which missionaries know so much about! Haha our food storage is just lunches for the week haha. But it went really well and we focused more on the spiritual welfare! After we had a meeting with the stake which took way longer than we thought. And then we were super late to dinner, which made us super late to go on visits with a member of the stake presidency (who is like the nicest guy in the world! Such a stud) and then made us late to our meeting with the STL to prepare for zone meeting! Haha it was still a good night though! 

That was my week! The holiday season is almost in full swing! Not really in need for a lot of things but just white shirts (The best are the really thin ones that I had before I left which we long sleeve) and ties are always good! Haha  I've been having mini panic attacks about the fact that I will soon need to be registering for school etc, and that fact that the year is almost over haha. It makes me just want to teach, teach, teach which is what is lacking here right now! But I know it won't be lacking for long! New transfer and new trainings, and new people to find!  That's about all I got haha! Love you guys! Hope you have a great thanksgiving! Miss you! Can't Thank you enough for all that you do!    

Elder Hemsley 

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